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Keeping work and private life separate: tips for a good balance

Maintaining a healthy work-life balance is essential for your mental health and overall well-being. To ensure this balance, it is wise to make a strict separation between work-related and private matters. In this blog you can read some advice and practical tips to keep the balance right.

Separate work and private life on your computer

The first step in a better balance is to create multiple user accounts on your computer: one for work and one for personal use. This helps keep your work files and applications separate from your personal data.

Physical work zone

A physical separation between your working environment and your living space is just as important. If you don't have a separate room to set up as an office, try using a corner of a room and setting it up as your work zone. For example, use a room divider, bookcase or even a color on the wall in front of your workplace to visually reinforce the separation. Make sure you keep all work-related matters within this zone. This helps you mentally 'go to work' and also 'go home' at the end of the day, even if it is in the same physical space.

Set working hours

Setting fixed working hours is crucial. Be consistent with this so that your body and mind can develop a routine. Communicate these hours clearly to your housemates to avoid interruptions.

Practical tips for better balance

In addition, there are some practical tips that can help you separate work and private life:
  • Start and end your working day with a ritual. This can be as simple as turning on your computer and opening your work email, or taking off your 'work clothes'.
  • Ensure sufficient relaxation after work through activities that help you disconnect from your working day, such as a walk, a workout or a hobby.
  • Use technology tools like calendar apps and to-do lists to structure your workday.
  • Turn off notifications from work-related apps on your phone outside working hours so as not to be tempted to check work emails or messages.